Yes, it’s snowing.


7 thoughts on “A writer’s desk

  1. Lee 16 years ago

    Hi Charlie, it’s not a competition! No matter how often I clear some space, the stuff just creeps back. I realise it looks as if I’m trying to imply a certain creativity, but in fact it just irks me.

    Oddly enough, I almost never consult the dictionary of slang as a reference book, but enjoy dipping into it. Have you run across Tom Dalzell’s The Slang of Sin, which is tucked into another corner of my desk and also makes for great browsing? And then there’s Geoffrey Hughes’s Swearing, which however is a history.

  2. Charlie Butler 16 years ago

    Okay, you win! (How often do you consult your dictionary of slang?)

  3. Lee 16 years ago

    Hi Chris, fortunately you can’t see the heaps on the floor! Or the dustballs…

  4. Chris Poirier 16 years ago

    Glad I’m not the only one with a messy desk. 🙂

  5. Lee 16 years ago

    Yeah, well, I am a little crazy – or a lot!

    BTW, I’m busy revising that bit on the screen.

  6. bookwitch 16 years ago

    Hey, if I enlarge it I can read your screen.

  7. bookwitch 16 years ago

    That would drive me demented… But snow is always nice, unless you slip and break something.