Welcome to the place where I publish my fiction. I’m not going to tell you all sorts of fascinating things about myself, because it’s far too tempting to make stuff up or to boast, and I reckon you’re not going to believe that I won a grave-digging contest at age fourteen anyway. Besides, what good are those bios? They’re a smokescreen. Either you like what I write, or you don’t.

Mortal Ghost is my first novel, a YA fantasy which you can read or download in its entirety. Corvus, my second YA novel, explores the fraught relationship between the new humans, homo cognoscens, and homo sapiens. You can read the novel online or download it in a variety of e-formats. Short stories will be added from time to time, so do check back. Podcasts of the novels are available for those who enjoy audiobooks.

I’m still at work on my latest novel, provisionally entitled Over Which Scavenger Angels. Extracts are available online as well as sample audio recordings.

All the fiction on this site carries a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works License. Read the stories, print them out, pass them on. If you decide to make a Hollywood blockbuster from something I’ve written, however, you’ll have to ask me first!


  • Header photo courtesy of Joanna Kosinska
  • Grateful thanks to sculptor David Ruth for permission to use his photo of the ice cave at Old Palmer Station, Anvers Island, Antarctica. David blogged his journey to Antarctica.

No one has worked harder than writer and web guru Chris Poirier to make this website possible, for which thanks alone hardly suffice. Chris, your generosity is inspiring.


I love to hear from my readers. And yes, I really answer every email, unless you’re offering to enhance my performance or transfer a large sum from the blocked account of a deposed monarch/president/minister of finance/djinn.

Email   lee@lleelowe.com