It’s hard for her mama to believe, but today Esther has been awarded her degree in sound engineering and design (Diplom-Ingenieur, the equivalent of MSc or MEng). Am I proud or am I proud?

She’ll probably screech when she sees I’ve posted this photo, so enjoy it while it’s still online. She’s the angel, though her brother has got the archangelic name.)


11 thoughts on “She’s done it!

  1. Judith Fitzgerald 16 years ago

    Ditto, Doll! Well, Lee, I hear you; and think, given what I hear, it’s boding well and weller for the book. Or, mebbe that’s just a ruse I use to get through the endless (it often seems) revisionary process. “We shall provide no look till it’s a perfekk book,” I tell myself, watching the months fall off the calendar, consoling self-same compulsive perfekkionip it’s part of the job descrip.

    Don’tcha worry about anything to do with me. Am ipso-nutzo with all these things, too; and, BION, can hardly wait to be at the stage you’ve reached for, in that process, there resides a kind of comfort, a kind of respite from the endless onslaught. N-Joy the misery, IOW :). Know it will be worth it and the work will be worthy. Know this to be true, too.

    Salut! Jf/ox
    p.s. When you go, you must see one thing, really, only . . . well . . . two: One that thrills me (meaning USD attached to it); and, one that will thrill you (meaning LC attached to it :))

  2. Lee 16 years ago

    And you, Judith, are another very welcome visitor. I must catch up on your recent blog posts. I’ve been busy with editing – I’m always finding things wrong, sometimes, alas, major things!

  3. Lee 16 years ago

    Hi Katie, I’m so pleased to hear from you!

  4. Judith Fitzgerald 16 years ago

    Wonderful news, Lee. Of course, you have every right to crow and glow. Cute pic; I can see why you love ’em so. Kudo to Esther! (As Alanis says). Hope Cloud Nine appreciates such a classy stratocumulus commingling :).


  5. Katie 16 years ago

    Ohh, fabulous, she must be so excited!

  6. Lee 16 years ago

    Thanks, Bookwitch, I think she’s come down from Cloud 9 now – today she starts work on her film again.

  7. bookwitch 16 years ago

    You have every right to feel proud. And Esther can feel proud, too, even if it doesn’t pay any rents.

    Cute boy! Feel I’ve seen him somewhere…

  8. Lee 16 years ago

    Hi Minx, so glad to hear from you!

  9. Minx 16 years ago

    Oh, well done, Esther and the photo is gorgeous. Be as proud as you like, Lee, we are clapping alongside you.

  10. Lee 16 years ago

    Hi LM, I suppose … except now she’s got to figure out how to pay her rent!

  11. L.M.Noonan 16 years ago

    Congratulations…that’s one less to worry about. I should be so lucky!